Thursday, February 09, 2006


Sharon Stone(d)

ED: NOT my title!

Actress SHARON STONE refuses to hide her two children's adoption from them, and will tell baby son LAIRD as soon as he is old enough to understand.

Stone adopted five-year-old son ROAN with ex-husband PHIL BRONSTEIN, and went on to add to her brood, last May (05), after their divorce.

The BASIC INSTINCT actress insists adopted parents have a deeper connection with their children than biological parents.

She says, "Roan already knows he's adopted and Laird will learn as soon as he's able to comprehend it. I have a bunch of friends who also have adopted children. And we jo
kingly refer to all the poor mothers who just have birth children - they don't know what it really means to have a child pick you and you pick them. There's kind of cosmic intensity about it. Our kids look so much more like us than birth children look like their parents."

If this is honesty, I have a bridge to seell this lady! Is she smoking funny stuff??? me tghinks Ms. Stione IS STONED! She sure is in lala land!

I'm sure she was 'picked' by her achildren. I can totally see babies and small children, all jumping up saying, "Oh look! The actress from Basic Instinct (Or insert another movie here)! I want a mother like that! Pick me, Pick Me!"

Oh... with all those deserving children, I wonder how she picked the right one? Maybe she messed up the first time, and that's why she's adopting again?
RIGHT! That's because she exposed her crotch in basic Tnstincts and it looked fmailiar to the babies, as where they had recently come from!!! :-))
Might as well beleive the earth is flat, too, while they're at it!

Beleiving in myths is so powerful, I actually heard an adoptee say that his medical history was that of his adoptive family!!!

But look, guys...we need to do some MYTH busting! Write letters to your local papers and tell them how utterly STUPID - and HARMFUL - these comments of hers are!

I wonder if her friend Aneglina Jolee's kids also "look like her"!
or Rosie's...

I for one, also vow to never see another Sharon Stone movie!
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