Monday, May 15, 2006



I spent Mothers’ Day weekend at a Buddhist workshop/retreat presented by Pema Chondrin. The subject was anger…and so much related to us I thought I’d share some "tidbits” of Buddhist wisdom:

Anger is sometimes a justifiable and appropriate reaction to injustice, but finding fault and feeling hatred and grudges is not. Also, klobbering someone with a peace sign is not the answer!

It is human nature, and thus true of ALL, that we’d rather be right than happy, or we’d let go of our anger much more easily. But, each thinks “the other” is wrong. The only way to create change is to understand “the other.” Getting enraged is not the answer.

We don’t have to like the aggressor or oppressor, but again, it is negative to hold grudges and hurts the one holding the anger far more for often those we perceive as ‘enemy’ have no idea we are even holding such anger. And when one seeks to get to know others, you still may not agree or like them, but you can reach some understanding. Mothers love their kids even on the days (weeks, or years) they are very difficult…that’s because we KNOW them so well!

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." (Philo of Alexandria)

This saying could not be more true of all mothers who have experienced loss.

I am away yet again...learning more about peace and reconciliation...more later

In peace, solidarity and sisterhood,



You are much stronger than I! I have such a hard time sitting through Buddist Meditations. Though I can see the value and wisdom it holds, I guess I have too much emotion locked up inside of me, that I can not sit still.
On the contrary, I am aware how much help I need with my anger!
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