Tuesday, May 09, 2006



The webiste www.goldenlinkfoundation.com was brought to my attenton.

The Golden Link Foundation openly offers to pay women up to $10,000 to surrender their babies to one of their agencies (Adoption World, Birth Hope Adoption Agency, and Easter House). The payments are couched as charity for any woman who “needs to put her life together”…but not together with her child, and is paid only after placing a child with one of their “agencies” none of which have any physical address, just 800 phone numbers, and are all owned and operated, as is Golden Link Foundation, by Seymour Kurtz of Chicago, IL.

Seymour Kurtz has been under investigation since the 1960’s for baby brokering here and in Mexico and has been indicted for fraudulent adoption practice, and yet still operates. In 1980, Lynn McTaggart, author of The Baby Brokers: The Marketing of White Babies in America wrote: “Kurtz has found a way to circumvent the laws and regulations of the entire world." In 1985 Easter House, one of Kurtz’s agencies still operating today, was charged with a dozen violations of state laws and regulations intended to protect children, mothers, and people who wanted to adopt. Friends of Children, another Kurtz operation was denied license renewal in Arkansas in 1986, as was Birth Hope. The agency has been denied licenses in Florida, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and 11 other states have reports of misconduct or noncompliance.

Michele Galen, writing for The National Law Journal , called Kurtz "the most controversial" of three well-known adoption attorneys whose methods are somewhere between ethical and illegal, "where laws are cloudy and professional ethics are fuzzy." The article described Kurtz as "a charming yet litigious Chicago-based attorney who heads a multi-state adoption network attacked by regulators and prosecutors nationwide for alleged tax and licensing violations, excessive fees, and coercive adoption practices. Galen continues: “Attorney Kurtz, to many experts, illustrates the [adoption] laws' weaknesses."

Despite this he brazenly puts up a website to buy babies! So lax are our laws and p
punishments for baby brokering that he can do this with no fear.

I have reprted him to every agency posisble from child abuse hotlines to the state attorny to the FBI. AND I have bene in touch with Mauree Flatley who brought the case of Masha to the public eye, and we are working on getting a TV expose of this bad boy!

This speaks LPUDLY for the need of a federal agency overseeing the interstate and online trafficking of children for adoption.

thanks for this post and this link. i outed these guys to numerous agencies and got the word out too. i lost my child to a kurtz agency. the scary stories i could tell about that man and his network of agencies.

Thank you for writing this. I was separated from my son by a Kurtz agency and created a website about him.

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