Friday, June 02, 2006


Caution Advised

We need to be very careful when focusing on the pain that adoption loss causes a mother... to be sure that when we stress that, we are very clear that it does not mean we want our children denied their rights because of our pain, or that any of asked for or want anonymity form them.

In vetoing the Connecticut bill that would have allowed acces to adooptees over age 21, Gov. M. Jodi Rell said: "The struggle a woman faces in making the decision to give up a child for adoption cannot easily or adequately be described in a gubernatorial veto message or in the staid language of a state statute."

This is a perfect indication of how our pain and suffering is used against our kids...

and then we get blamed for it. Furthering the divide between us.

I am not sure what you mean. I would truly like us to all consider that there is no "we" and "us" -- or "us" and "them"...only US!
I agree we need to get together and form a us movement. We need to band together. We need to realize that we are all fighting for the same cause.
Hallelulah! One person other than me "GETS IT"!!! That's a start! Now there are two of us!

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
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