Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Reply to a thoughtful comment...

I think a goal of "VALIDATING" past injustices is cool. Ricki Solinger's book helped me and lots of others feel that VALIDATION. many steps along my path have helped with that.

Thank you for clarifying. Yes, I see...TECHNICALLY things were done that should not be done because they violated our rights, mostly by not telling us what our rights were and we had no idea. But things are DIFFERENT today. Women see their babies, etc...the new CARROT is openness.

We need to - IMO - focus on women being made false promises of openness. We need to get adoptive parents out of delivery rooms – see, that's NOT a violation of our legal right to guardianship of our child as a mother. It's coercion and pressure and it’s very subtle...within the letter of the law.

YES, THEORTEICALLY, if we could get people to honor mothers and understand the harm of separating children from mothers, they would stop doing it.

Annette Baran and tons of experts have been saying that and proving it with data for DECADES! Lee Campbell, founder of CUB published in professional journals studies of the ongoing trauma mothers suffer, including secondary infertility at higher rates...

SO WHAT! We can tell them ad nauseum that it is harmful. THEY DO NOT CARE BECAUSE THEY ARE MAKING MONEY AT IT!!! Until everyone in this movement really GETS that and understands it, it's business as usual!

social workers of the PAST like Annette have already ADMITTED what they did the was wrong! it has done nothing to stop making things worse since they have been privatized.

babies are being SOLD, but they get away with it by calling it paying the mothers expenses. THAT is what needs to be stopped!

Those profiting from selling babies no more care who it hurts mothers, than those profit from war care. Or the tobacco companies.

NOW, tobacco is a good model to look at because a combined grassroots and health experts brought them to their knees. That's a goal. If we could all work together .... however, they there was no one saying that there were "poor" unfortunate people who desperately needed their cigarettes and it be cruel to take their cigarettes away. We do not have mentality of pity for smokers, as we do for the infertile in this country. AND they have huge feelings of ENTITLEMENT that is supported by capitalism: if you can afford it, you deserve to have it!

There was united agreement cigarettes were bad, period. We have LOTS of enemies besides the money makers. Lots of religious groups on the side of adoption...anti-abortionist, etc. It's a huge fight and we keep fighting with ourselves and most are fighting for open records.

Many. simply find who they are separated from and leave "the movement."

There's just sooo much to do and so few of us. We are up against GOLIATH! Capitalism is FAR more powerful in the US than it is in Australia! Adoption is a multibillion dollar INDUSTRY with paid lobbyists like any other industry. Go see “Thank you for Smoking” You’ll get some well-needed belly laughs, but also learn some very sad realities about how things operate…

I see fighting for validation and for open records, both as fixing things for the ADULTS - mothers or adoptees - who were harmed (very legitimately) IN THE PAST. I prefer to advocate for children are being sold today, some to pedophiles etc.

IDEALLY, I would like to not be fighting the fight against the money-changers, the baby mills, all alone. I wish others who care about adoption practices and how they harm us, would see that they can continue to do whatever they are doing to help restore the rights of adults (open records, inquiry, whatever) and ALSO do SOMETHING to stop the steady flow of BLOOD of children being sold every day with no background checks cause no one cares as long as money is being made. Babies and their mothers are being harmed every day, every minute, as we sit here and discuss this...

my heart cries for their suffering, far more than for my own. Theirs COULD be stopped, it's too late for me...

And that it why I flipped out when I see people focusing their MAIN efforts on the past instead of looking at the present....and calling it family preservation, to boot!

It flipped me out! nearly put me over the edge!

If i disappear from here, it is because I have to learn voie activated software, as I can no longer type.


if you have kids - hold them tight and kiss them and be thankful and gratful for them!

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